
Desember 21th 2007

today’s theme is Christmas. Go to the Woodlands Junior School website and find out about Christmas in the UK.
1. What is a nativity play?
Nativity play is the story of the birth of Jesus of Nazareth.

2. What is a Christmas carol?
Christmas carol is famous for the winter song in general.

3. What is a pantomime?
Pantomime refers to a theatrical genre, traditionally found in Christmas season.

4.What are mince pies? Find a photo of one.
Mince pies photo is.

5. Find a photo of a Christmas pudding.
Christmas pudding photo is here.

6. Find a photo of a Christmas cake.
Christmas cake photo is here.

7. What are Brussels sprouts? Find a photo of some.
Brussels sprout photo 1, photo 2, photo 3.

It is Christmas photo.


December 14th 2007

1. Visit your classmates’ blogs and read what they wrote for last week’s assignment (December 7th). Leave some comments.
She's great!! I can't work it until the end.

2. Read Mr Sheffner’s answers to last week’s questions.
I read.

3. What is Amnesty International? What does it do?
Amnesty International is human rights group. The human-right violation in the war and the dispute is opposed.

(1) Find one or two news articles about Ikhtior Khamroev (in English or Japanese) and link to them. How many can you find?
Japanese news is it.

(2) Where is Uzbekistan? Find a map and link to it.
Uzbekistan is here.

(3) Is the sad story of Ikhtior Khamroev “news” or not?
1. If you think it is news, why is not on TV and in the newspapers?
Yes.Because it is not attached importance to sth.

2. If you think it is not news, why not?
Ummm, I don't know.

(4) How many Japanese versions of this British news story can you find? What are the key points of this story (in Japanese)?
Key pointはイクティオル・カムロブさんが何の罪もないということ。そして、親子で迫害に遭っているということ。

5. Read Masa’s blog and leave a message. (Do you know the blog of another Japanese person in the US? Tell us about it on your blog).
I wish I were thanksgiving in Japan.


December 7th 2007


(1) About Beowulf
Beowulf : Ray Winstone, Grendel's Mother : Angelina Jolie

Beowulf goes to kill Glendel's Mother, but he gives way to her temptation.
Then the world bring ruin on himself because of it. So he is fighting!!

This movie is based on Old English poem.

(2) About The Golden Compass
Lyra Belacqua : Dakota Blue Richards, Marisa Coulter : Nicole Kidman

Lyra fights with Ms.Coulter who is person who is called magisterium.

This movie is based on Northern Lights(novel).

(1), (2) I wrote on the top.
(3) It was used from the 8th until the 11th century in England.
(4) I see it that look like a Greek character.
(5) I sound it like French.
(6) Main character is Beowulf. The place is in Anglo-Saxon . Key events are Bay Area Beowulf User Group(BABUG).
(7) I didn't understand it.


November 16th 2007


  1. The Queen in Britain.In
  2. Sevenoaks Kent.
  3. Because a war memorial.
  4. This year Remembrance Sunday fell exactly 89 years after the ending of World War I, Armistice Day.
  5. This flower is camellia.
  6. Because during every November, we keep the memory alive by wearing apoppy to commemorate those who sacrificed their lives during war.


Royal Ceremonies .


Mayor's show.


David Lewis.


October 26th, 2007

(1) Disneyland, Universal Studios Japan give free ticket of admission every two weeks.
(2)The door which can come and go anywhere freely.
>>worldnews nc
(3)Money falls from the sky.
>>yukinko yukinko

2. About World Music
I choose about Stevie Wonder. He was born, got sick at once, and became sightless.
However, he contracted to the music company at 11 years old it, and became a musician.
So he was not defeated at the trouble of sightless, invented the hit one after another, and became a top star in the world.


World News B 2007 Octorber 19th.

Freedom 自由
Integrity    正直
Unique     唯一の
Creative 創造力のある
Power 力
Beauty     美
Individual    一個の
Group      集まり
Independence  独立
Compromise   妥協

9. I don't mind it.
11.(1) Today big sales!! in OPA.
(2) Come back to Bob Marley in heaven!?
(3) Orland Bloom come to Kishiwada(my hometown)!!
12.Bob Marley was a Jamaican reggae singer. He is very a great person, and keeps still being loved by people all over the world. He made reggae known to the world.


Oct 12th 2007

This blog wrote in Feb, 6th, 2008. As a result, newspaper article is the new it.

3. Read what you wrote for last week’s assignment #1-6.In Microsoft Word, re-write those sentences, like this: “#1. I want my school to be/have/stop -ing… “
(1) I wnat to be stopping the express train.

(2) I wish I were my home close to my school.

(3) I want to be much more comfortable in my hometown.

(4) I want to become a big city.

(5) I want to be much more beautiful hometown.

(6) I want Japanese people not to feel shy.

7. Go to the Japan Times online and read the top 3 news stories and the top 3 National News stories, and the top 3 News Features. On your blog, answer these questions (in English if you can, in Japanese if not) for any 4 of the 9 news items:

A:Second toxin found in Chinese 'gyoza'.
(1) What is the title and URL of the news item?
article URL>>> http://search.japantimes.co.jp/cgi-bin/nn20080206a1.html

(2) Is this news item interesting to you?
Yes, it is.

(3) Who (what sort of person) would be most interested in reading this news item?
Japanese consumer, who buy it at supermarket.

(4) Why?
Because they may eat it.

(5) Does this news item give you any useful information?
Yes, I do.

(6) What is the useful information?
I don't buy dangerous.

(7) Could you use this information to improve your life or the life of your family, or your friends or people in the world?
Yes, I'm propmise.

(8) How?
I tell other people about that information.

B: Missing snowboarders found alive on Mount Osorakan.
(1)What is the title and URL of the news item?
article URL>>> http://search.japantimes.co.jp/cgi-bin/nn20080206a7.html

(2) Is this news item interesting to you?
Yes, it is.

(3) Who (what sort of person) would be most interested in reading this news item?
People who are going to go to snowboard in that later.

(4) Why?
They can know danger of Snow Mountain.

(5) Does this news item give you any useful information?
Yes, I do.

(6) What is the useful information?
The information is useful for me when I go to snowboad.

(7) Could you use this information to improve your life or the life of your family, or your friends or people in the world?

(8) How?
I tell other people about that information.

C: Gangster gets death for murders.
(1) What is the title and URL of the news item?
article URL>>> http://search.japantimes.co.jp/cgi-bin/nn20080205a7.html

(2) Is this news item interesting to you?
Yes, it is.

(3) Who (what sort of person) would be most interested in reading this news item?
Japanese gangster people.

(4) Why?
Because gang leader to death.

(5) Does this news item give you any useful information?
No, I don't.

(6) What is the useful information?
Because I'm not relation them.

(7) Could you use this information to improve your life or the life of your family, or your friends or people in the world?
No, I couldn't.

(8) How?
I don't tell other people.

D: Castella returns to its roots
(1) What is the title and URL of the news item?
article URL>>> http://search.japantimes.co.jp/cgi-bin/nn20080206f2.html

(2) Is this news item interesting to you?
Yes, it is.

(3) Who (what sort of person) would be most interested in reading this news item?
Japanese customers who like sweets.

(4) Why?
It is happy news for them.

(5) Does this news item give you any useful information?
No, I don't.

(6) What is the useful information?
It can know taste of old Castella.

(7) Could you use this information to improve your life or the life of your family, or your friends
or people in the world?
Umm...I don't tell other people to that information.

(8) How?
I don't need to tell.

9. Find a news item that is connected with your chosen theme, and write about it on your blog (use MS Word’s spellcheck and grammar check first).
I'm sorry I can't find.


Today's assignment

1.I like that close to the station in my school.
2.School is far away from my house.
3.I like that is comfortable in my hometown.
4.My hometown is a little countryside.
5.Japan is beautiful, and Japanese is kind.
6.Japan isn’t huge, and Japanese is shy.
8.English word is five questions. I learned new English word, and enjoy.
9.I visit “worldnews nc”. I want to be visit to Kobe.


Today's assignment

1.My blog posts have fifteen.
2.I was the most suprising Ekisupoland news.
3.I was the most interesting in this blog.
4.It is good in a similar content in this cemester.


My plan of summer vacation.

I'm going to go to sea about three times in this summer.
First, I go to there with my family in Wakayama.
Second, I go to there with my friends in Hyougo to Suma.
Finally, I go to there with my friends in Wakayama.
However, maybe I think that go to sea many many times!!
I'm looking foward to go outdoor in summer vacation!!

・Need vocaburaly words
①novels-C 8,000 ②spoken English-B 7,ooo 
③children's movies-A 6,000 ④newspepers-D 9,000

(2) This vocaburaly is Rowling angered as NYT reviews last Potter

obtain 手に入れる   literally 文字通りに 
eagerly 熱心に     incredibly 信じられないほどに
respond 答える     retailer 小売商
purport 趣旨      instalment 分割払い


Assignment 2

Learning vocabulary

This blog is better than mine.
Because my blogs is not easy to understand.
While this blog we can easy understand. First, it was written Japanese mean of word. Second, The sentence is easy.

Assignment 1


もうひとつおもしろいと思ったのはYAYOI'S NEWSこの記事だ。体重を落とすのは女の子にとってとても重要なことである。この記事を読んで、とてもいい情報を得たと思う。 





Ratatouille Date

1.Ratatouille is interesting story that pixer sends.

2.The movie radio actor
  ・Remy ― Patton Oswalt
He is rat. But, he can cook and understand a taste.
  ・Emile ― Peter Sohn
He is chef probationer. Shit clumsy as for the cooking.

3.The stage is Paris.

4.I show it in Japan on July 28.

5.Go to the movie theater to look!



30th June assignment

(1) I want to world news, and I want to leane how to research the web news.
(2) I want to be able to teach that I reseach the news to people in the world.


3.自分が作った記事ではなく、他の web からコピーしただけの記事だから。

1. I like this one blog. Because this blog was easy to read, and interesting.
2. I think this one better than that one. Because a link is put.
3. I think this one better than that blog. Because that blog isn't understand most of the contents.
(1) minoru
(2) His name is Tadashi.
(3) He lives in Japan, Kyoto.
(4) No, I don't.
(5) I don't want to write a comment. I only read a blog.
(6) uhmm... difficult.
(7) Yes, I can.
(8) Yes, I can.
(9) I write His blog everyday.

In question2 is same author "Heian Shrine Morning".

In question3
(1) Haisa.
(2) He name is same.
(3) He lives in Malaysia.
(4) No, I don't.
(5) I don't know him.
(6) Yes,it is.
(7) No.
(8) No.
(9) Because I don't know his address.




My blog today is about movies.

I found this news article on the movie “RUSH HOUR3”.

This movie stars Jackie Chan, Chris Tucker and Hiroyuki Sanada. This stage is Paris!! RUSH HOUR3 is sequel to RUSH HOUR1,2. It's so very exciting!!

I like Jackie Chan. His action movies are very fun!!


Today's assignment

1.(A)about Harry Potter's new movies
Hollywood studio Warner Bros. has begun promoting the fifth Harry Potter movie, "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix", which is due to premiere in Japan on June 28 and in London on July 3.

(B)Clean-up begins after killer floods

Many in South Yorkshire - the worst affected area in the country - are still not allowed back to their houses and spent a second night in evacuation centres.

I'm looking foward to wacthing a Harry Potter's new movies!!

2.list 20 vocabrally items your learned today.

wizarding、denied、encounter、claim、return、appoint、evacuation centres、Ulley、reservoir、amid、concern、significant、collapsing、failure、consequences、stable、precautionary、fully、junction、confirm

3.visit your classmate's blogs+blog about them.




Today's class assignment

1.Madeleine McCann が埋められた場所を知っているという匿名の手紙が送られてきた。彼女はまだ見つかっていない。

2“bread and circuses”の意味は”食と娯楽”である。最初にその表現を使ったのは詩人ユウェリナス。

3.Mr.Matuoka the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries died.He made trouble.

Please look here in detail.

4.bread and circuses、extremely、publication、anonymous、credibility、opportunity、investigate、appropriate、irresponsible、cruel

5. White tigers news from UK.

Please look here in detail.



About Madeleine McCann

1.Madeleine McCannが埋められた場所を知っているという手紙が送られてきた。彼女はまだ見つかっていない。


U2 working with Eno.







Kate's happening story

She is a british girl her name is Kate.
She is four year old.She is always smiling,and her favorite colors are white,orange,pink.
















