
My plan of summer vacation.

I'm going to go to sea about three times in this summer.
First, I go to there with my family in Wakayama.
Second, I go to there with my friends in Hyougo to Suma.
Finally, I go to there with my friends in Wakayama.
However, maybe I think that go to sea many many times!!
I'm looking foward to go outdoor in summer vacation!!

・Need vocaburaly words
①novels-C 8,000 ②spoken English-B 7,ooo 
③children's movies-A 6,000 ④newspepers-D 9,000

(2) This vocaburaly is Rowling angered as NYT reviews last Potter

obtain 手に入れる   literally 文字通りに 
eagerly 熱心に     incredibly 信じられないほどに
respond 答える     retailer 小売商
purport 趣旨      instalment 分割払い

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