
Today's assignment

1.(A)about Harry Potter's new movies
Hollywood studio Warner Bros. has begun promoting the fifth Harry Potter movie, "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix", which is due to premiere in Japan on June 28 and in London on July 3.

(B)Clean-up begins after killer floods

Many in South Yorkshire - the worst affected area in the country - are still not allowed back to their houses and spent a second night in evacuation centres.

I'm looking foward to wacthing a Harry Potter's new movies!!

2.list 20 vocabrally items your learned today.

wizarding、denied、encounter、claim、return、appoint、evacuation centres、Ulley、reservoir、amid、concern、significant、collapsing、failure、consequences、stable、precautionary、fully、junction、confirm

3.visit your classmate's blogs+blog about them.



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