
Jan 25th 2008

1. Look at this photo and answer the questions
(1) Where was this photo taken?
This photo is Baghdad in Iraq.

(2) When was it taken?
Aplil 9th 2003.

(3) What does the caption say under the photo?
It says, " Crowds cheer as a statue of Saddam Hussein falls."

(4) Translate the caption into Japanese.

(5) “Crowds cheer” = how many people, do you think?
I think it about ten thousand.

2. Now look at this photo taken at the same place and same time, and answer the questions.
(1) How many people were in the square, do you think?
I think it about one hundred.

(2) Do you think “crowds cheer” is accurate?
No I don't.

(3) What do you think of the first picture now?
I thought that there were much many people.

(4) Why did CNN use the first picture, do you think?
Because the first photo is more effective as the article.

(5) What do you think after seeing these two photos?
Media is always exaggerated.

3. Is it important for newspapers to tell the truth, or is it ok for newspaper to lie sometimes? Give reasons for your answer.
It is important to tell the truth on the newspaper. Because most people read the newspaper everyday. So, the person who doesn't watch television can receive intelligence from it. In other words, information doesn't enter from another. They can do nothing but believe the information from newspapers. In order to their, newspaper should write in the truth.

4. How can you check if some item of news is true or not? (Give at least two different ways).
First, I check the news from internet. Second, I check the news from on the television.
Though all are from media.

6.What do you think now, after reading your classmates’ blogs? Write your thoughts on your blog.
It was the same idea as other people, too. But defferent ideas people.

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