
Feb 7th, 2008

1. What did you learn in this class this semester?
I learned to world news. I could know about politics of various countries, other's blog and foreign country's culture. I'm interested in all around the world news.
For example, it was interested how to write newspaper in recently the class. I was considered in this things.
Maybe, I have progressed English language skill this semester.


Feb first 2008

1. Watch the Powerpoint presentation. Write a summary of the key points (in Japanese or English) on your blog.
まず、翻訳機能を使って文を書かないこと。そしてMicrosoft を使って文法や単語の誤りを正す。

2. What is the purpose, objective, of a newspaper company?
I think that it gives information for people.

3.What is the purpose, objective, of a television company?
I think that offers information for people.

4. What is the purpose, objective of Yahoo! or Google?
I think that ways to know information of around the world.

(1) What kind of news will they publish? Give 2 or 3 examples.
・ Fukuda Prime Ministory is injured!!!!
・ Guam Island erupt!!!!

(2) What kind of news will they not publish? Give 2 or 3 examples.
・ Bear's baby was born in Zoo.
・ Car crush accident in that city.

6. Find a news article in English that interests you, and write about it on your blog. Write a summary of the article, then your thoughts about it, and any interesting English words or expressions or grammar you learned from reading this.

I'm interested in this an article.
This news is about the United States Presidential election.

Interesting English grammer.
・ less of an underdog.
・ the Democratic race could continue until the party convention in August where the nomination will be sealed.
・ But you know we're turning out to be a scrappy little team.

7. Read your classmates’ blogs and comment on them on your own blog.
I read this blog.
She also is interested in the United States Presidential election. It is the same as me.