
Desember 21th 2007

today’s theme is Christmas. Go to the Woodlands Junior School website and find out about Christmas in the UK.
1. What is a nativity play?
Nativity play is the story of the birth of Jesus of Nazareth.

2. What is a Christmas carol?
Christmas carol is famous for the winter song in general.

3. What is a pantomime?
Pantomime refers to a theatrical genre, traditionally found in Christmas season.

4.What are mince pies? Find a photo of one.
Mince pies photo is.

5. Find a photo of a Christmas pudding.
Christmas pudding photo is here.

6. Find a photo of a Christmas cake.
Christmas cake photo is here.

7. What are Brussels sprouts? Find a photo of some.
Brussels sprout photo 1, photo 2, photo 3.

It is Christmas photo.


December 14th 2007

1. Visit your classmates’ blogs and read what they wrote for last week’s assignment (December 7th). Leave some comments.
She's great!! I can't work it until the end.

2. Read Mr Sheffner’s answers to last week’s questions.
I read.

3. What is Amnesty International? What does it do?
Amnesty International is human rights group. The human-right violation in the war and the dispute is opposed.

(1) Find one or two news articles about Ikhtior Khamroev (in English or Japanese) and link to them. How many can you find?
Japanese news is it.

(2) Where is Uzbekistan? Find a map and link to it.
Uzbekistan is here.

(3) Is the sad story of Ikhtior Khamroev “news” or not?
1. If you think it is news, why is not on TV and in the newspapers?
Yes.Because it is not attached importance to sth.

2. If you think it is not news, why not?
Ummm, I don't know.

(4) How many Japanese versions of this British news story can you find? What are the key points of this story (in Japanese)?
Key pointはイクティオル・カムロブさんが何の罪もないということ。そして、親子で迫害に遭っているということ。

5. Read Masa’s blog and leave a message. (Do you know the blog of another Japanese person in the US? Tell us about it on your blog).
I wish I were thanksgiving in Japan.


December 7th 2007


(1) About Beowulf
Beowulf : Ray Winstone, Grendel's Mother : Angelina Jolie

Beowulf goes to kill Glendel's Mother, but he gives way to her temptation.
Then the world bring ruin on himself because of it. So he is fighting!!

This movie is based on Old English poem.

(2) About The Golden Compass
Lyra Belacqua : Dakota Blue Richards, Marisa Coulter : Nicole Kidman

Lyra fights with Ms.Coulter who is person who is called magisterium.

This movie is based on Northern Lights(novel).

(1), (2) I wrote on the top.
(3) It was used from the 8th until the 11th century in England.
(4) I see it that look like a Greek character.
(5) I sound it like French.
(6) Main character is Beowulf. The place is in Anglo-Saxon . Key events are Bay Area Beowulf User Group(BABUG).
(7) I didn't understand it.